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BA in Chinese and History: Chinese Stream
Core Courses (27 credit units)
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
CAH2140 | Modern Chinese Literature 中國現代文學 |
3 |
CAH2141 | History of Chinese Literature 中國文學史 |
3 |
CAH2142 | Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism 文學概論 |
3 |
CAH3110 | Readings in Pre-Qin Confucianism and Daoism 先秦儒道經典選讀 |
3 |
CAH3131 | Classical Chinese 古代漢語 |
3 |
CAH3132 | Chinese Philology 中國語文學 |
3 |
CAH3133 | Introduction to Chinese Documentology 中國文獻學導讀 |
3 |
CAH4150 | Selected Readings in Chinese Shi and Ci 詩詞選 |
3 |
CAH4499 | Capstone Project in Chinese, History and Cultural Heritage I | 3 |
Electives (21 credit units) (At least 6 credit units must be at level 4)
Classical and Modern Chinese Literature
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
CAH2105 | Selected Readings in Classical Chinese Essays 文選 |
3 |
CAH3136 | Selected Readings in Chinese Women Literature 中國女性文學作品選讀 |
3 |
CAH3138 | Classical Chinese Fiction and Xiqu 中國古典小說與戲曲 |
3 |
CAH3145 | Great Works in Classical Chinese Literature I: From Pre-Qin Period to Six Dynasties 中國文學名著(上):先秦至六朝 |
3 |
CAH3146 | Great Works in Classical Chinese Literature II: From Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty 中國文學名著(下):唐至清 |
3 |
CAH3185 | Hong Kong Literature 香港文學 |
3 |
CAH3187 | Contemporary Chinese Literature 中國當代文學 |
3 |
CAH4143 | Topics in Chinese Literature 中國文學專題 |
3 |
CAH4144 | Chinese Literary Criticism 中國文學批評 |
3 |
CAH4186 | Chinese Religious Literature 中國宗教文學 |
3 |
Chinese Classics and Writing
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
CAH2145 | Introduction to Guoxue 國學概論 |
3 |
CAH2399 | Discovering China from a Global Perspective 探索與發現:環球視野下的中國 |
3 |
CAH2613 a | Chinese Writing for Academic Purpose 中文學術寫作 |
3 |
CAH3111 | History of Chinese Thought 中國思想史 |
3 |
CAH3151 | Chinese Expository Writing 中文說明文寫作 |
3 |
CAH3165 | Creative Chinese 創意中文 |
3 |
CAH3167 | Chinese for Mass Media 傳媒中文 |
3 |
CAH3168 | Chinese Editing and Publishing 中文編輯與出版 |
3 |
CAH3820 | Siku Quanshu 四庫全書 |
3 |
CAH4148 | Great Works in Chinese History 史學名著 |
3 |
CAH4180 | Chinese Teaching 中文教學 |
3 |
Project and Internship
a For ASII students only
b Subject to Department's approval