Departmental Advisory Committee
(Terms of Office: 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2026)

Prof. Angela Ki Che LEUNG
Emeritus Professor, The University of Hong Kong; Academician, Academia Sinica (Taipei)
Prof. Angela Ki Che Leung joined the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences in January 2011 as its first full-time director. She received her B.A. in history at the University of Hong Kong and her doctoral degree (History) at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. She was Director of the Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy at the Academia Sinica, Professor of History at the National Taiwan University and Chair Professor of History at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She published books and articles on charitable organizations in the Ming-Qing period and on the history of medicine and diseases in China of the late imperial and modern periods. Her publications include Charity and Moral Transformation: Philanthropic Organizations of the Ming and Qing periods (Taipei: Likin 1997), Medicine for Women in Imperial China (Leiden: Brill 2006), an edited volume on Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long 20th Century (Duke University Press 2010) and In Face of Illness (Beijing: China Renmin University Press 2012). Her major book on Leprosy in China: A History (Columbia University Press 2009) was translated into Chinese and published in 2013 by Beijing Commercial Press.
Ex Officio Member

Prof. CHING May Bo
Head, CAH
Prof. Ching is currently a Professor of History at the Department of Chinese and History, the City University of Hong Kong, and the “Distinguished Professor of the Pearl River Scholars” of Guangdong Province (Sun Yat-sen University). For the past eighteen years, she has been working at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. She has published extensively on a variety of subjects relating to social and cultural history of modern China. Her book Regional Culture and National Identity: the shaping of “Guangdong Culture” since the late Qing discusses changes in the articulation of regional identity against the rise of nationalism at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. In recent years, she has been examining how the regional culture of South China took shape in a trans-regional context in terms of sound, colour and tastes from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.
Members (External)

Dr. CHU Chi Fu
Senior Curriculum Development Officer, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government
Dr. Chu obtained his BA, Dip Ed, MA, MEd and PhD from various institutions in Hong Kong. After graduating from university, he taught Chinese History at secondary schools and served as the panel chairperson. He also worked as an assistant curator at the Hong Kong Museum of History; and worked in the publishing department of university where he was responsible for course and instructional design. Since September 2002, he has been working in the School-based Curriculum Development (Secondary) Section and the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau. He is currently the Senior Curriculum Development Officer and responsible for curriculum revision of humanities subjects and teacher training. Since June 2016, he has been serving as a member of the Expert Advisory Panel of the Renovation of the Permanent Exhibition of the Hong Kong Museum of History.

Prof. Mok Kar Leung, Harold
Emeritus Professor, Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Harold Mok received his BA and MPhil degrees from The University of Hong Kong and DPhil degree from University of Oxford, UK. An historian of Chinese art, he taught at The University of Hong Kong before joining the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, in 1989, teaching courses in the history of Chinese painting and calligraphy, methodology in art studies, etc. He was Head of Division of Fine Arts in 2002-2008 and Chairman in 2008-2017, and is now Emeritus Professor of the Department. His research focuses on Chinese literati’s art since the Song Dynasty, particularly the art of calligraphy, as well as Hong Kong calligraphy and contemporary ink art. In addition to academic papers, Professor Mok’s major book publications include The Bei Shan Tang Legacy: Chinese Painting (2019), Double Beauty: Qing Dynasty Couplets from the Lechangzai Xuan Collection (2007 & 2016), The Bei Shan Tang Legacy: Chinese Calligraphy (2014), Chronology of Hong Kong Calligraphy 1901-1950 (2009), Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook (2000-2006), etc. Professor Mok had once been Member of the Advisory Committee on Arts Development and Member of Art Museum Advisory Panel, Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR, and is now Museum Expert Adviser to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

Mr. CHAU Hing Wah
Curator (Special Duty) Archaeology, Hong Kong Museum of History
Mr. Chau Hing-wah received his BA from the University of Hong Kong in 1983 and his MA in Archaeology from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London in 1988. He joined the curatorial grade of the Hong Kong Government in 1985 and has been working for many years in the field of archeology and heritage conservation, both tangible and intangible heritage. He is currently the Curator (Special Duty) Archaeology with the Hong Kong Museum of History, Adjunct Associate Professor with the History Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and also with the Hong Kong Chu Hai College of Higher Education.

Dr. ZHOU Jianhua
Director & Editor-in-Chief Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd.
Zhou Jianhua, born in 1971 in Zhejiang province, obtained Bachelor of Science from Zhejiang Normal University, Master and Doctor of Science from Sun Yat-Sen University. He has been engaged in publishing for more than 20 years, and served successfully as Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Editor-in-Chief of Sun Yat-Sen University Press, Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Chung Hwa Book(H.K.), and Editor-in-Chief of Joint Publishing(H.K.). He has published nearly 20 papers in publication profession and won almost 30 awards or honors.
Members (Internal)

Prof. CHAN Hok Yin
Associate Head and Associate Professor, CAH
Dr. Chan received his undergraduate and research degree from City University of Hong Kong. He enjoys studying and teaching in City University very much. Up to date, Dr. Chan has published over 50 publications in refereed journals, books and conference proceedings. Recently (April 2014), his new book entitled “May Fourth in Hong Kong: Colonial Scenario, Nationalism and Localism” was published by Hong Kong Chung Hwa Book Company. Indeed before the publication of the book, part of his related research findings was also reported by “Research Frontiers” which was published by Research Grants Council of the University Grants Committee . Another of his research interest is the interaction and exchange between Chinese intellectuals and foreign countries. From September 2013 to April 2014, he coordinated the holding of “China and Asian Community in Retrospect and Prospect”, a research lecture series held in City University. A total of 15 international and reputable scholars were invited to give academic talks.

Prof. LI Yiwen
BACHIS Major Leader and Associate Professor, CAH
Yiwen Li is assistant professor of history at City University of Hong Kong. She received her Ph.D. in History from Yale University, and her dissertation won the Arthur and Mary Wright Prize for the best doctoral dissertation in non-Western History (2017). Her research interests include maritime East Asia, material culture, and the Buddhist monastic economy. Her first book, Networks of Faith and Profit: Monks, Merchants, and Exchanges between China and Japan, 839 - 1403 CE, is published by Cambridge University Press in their "Asian Connections" series. Li is currently working on her second project, "Sacred Crafts: Artisans and Buddhist Monasteries in China and Japan, 960 - 1368." She is also a member of the working group "Ability and Authority" at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Dept III. She earned her BA (2008) and MA (2011) from Peking University. In 2014-15, she was a Japan Foundation Fellow at the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University.

Prof. MA Ka Fai
MACH Programme Leader and Assistant Professor, CAH
Ka-Fai Ma received his PhD degree in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently an assistant professor of the Department of Chinese and History in City University of Hong Kong. His major research areas are Sociology of Culture, Class Analysis, and Political Sociology. He is devoted in teaching subjects of Creative Writing, Cultural Industry, and Media Analysis. He has published over 20 books of essays, many of them are bestsellers. The novel "Once Upon A Time (I)" was published in 2016 and won 20 literature prizes and recognitions. It was also translated into various languages including French and Korean. It will also be turned into a film project by the international well-known director Johnny To. "Once Upon A Time (II)" was published in 2020, another debut novel of 220,000 words.
(in alphabetical order by surname)