About Us

As an impact of the globalization process, the connectedness of the world's economies and cultures has been growing rapidly along with numerous rediscoveries of the local. It is amidst such a backdrop that the studies of language and culture, philosophy and history, heritage and aesthetics become all the more critical and essential. The Department of Chinese and History is founded to provide a multi- and inter-disciplinary lens to the changing and increasingly important role that China – in both its center and peripheries – plays in today’s global landscape.
The Department preserves the University's tradition of teaching and research excellence. In the 21st century where local, national and global collaborations are becoming more and more dynamic, we aim to promote cultural learning with a humanistic touch, focusing especially on Chinese literature, history, philosophy, art, music, and cultural heritage.
The Department considers education and research as complementary and reinforcing components. As such, our quality curricula equip graduates with language proficiency, leadership skills and a critical mindset that is translatable to Hong Kong, the Greater China region and other Chinese-speaking landscapes. By expanding on its current research projects, the Department also actively seeks out long-term collaborations with Mainland and the international academia, joining hands in organizing conferences, research initiatives and academic publishing.