Mr. LI, Guo (李果先生)
Senior Tutor
PhD-ABD, MA, Anthropological Archaeology, University of British Columbia

Contact Information

Office: LI-4708
Phone: 3442-2813


Mr Li’s major research and teaching interests are archaeology and cultural heritage, for which he owes the most to the graduate training in anthropological archaeology at UBC (University of British Columbia), Canada. He worked as Visiting Scholar at the Harvard-Yanching Institute of Harvard University for one year and taught at the Anthropology Department of Sun Yat-Sen University (as Associate Professor for two years) previously.  He has published many academic papers and three books.

Selected publication

Papers in English

  • 2013. A Site Catchment Analysis of Hong Kong’s Neolithic Subsistence (sole author). New Perspectives on the Research of Chinese Culture, Pei-kai Cheng & Ka Wai Fan (eds.), Springer (Singapore). pp.17-43.
  • 2005. A Case Study of Chinese Ceramics Excavated from Prasat Suor Prat, Cambodia (co-author). Proceedingsof the International Conference: Chinese Export Ceramics and Maritime Trade, 12th–15th Centuries, Pei-kai Cheng, Guo Li, et al. (eds.), Chung Hwa Book Co., (H.K.) LTD. pp. 2-23.
  • 2002. Quanzhou Archaeology: A Brief Review (co-authored with Richard Pearson and Min Li). InternationalJournal of Historical Archaeology, Vol. 6, No. 1. pp. 23-59.
  • 2001. Port, City, and Hinterlands: Archaeological Perspectives on Quanzhou and Its Overseas Trade (co-authored with Richard Pearson and Min Li). The Emporium of the World – Maritime Quanzhou, 1000-1400, Angela Schottenhammer (ed.), The Brill, Leiden (The Netherlands). pp. 177-236.
  • 1996. Neolithic Sand Bar Sites Round the Pearl River Estuary Area & Hainan: A Comparative Study (sole author). Bulletin of the 15th Conference of Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, I. Glover & P. Bellwood (eds.). pp. 211-218.

Papers in Chinese

  • 2012. 〈物質文明的展現:香港西北.出土陶瓷的文化意義〉(合著). 《東方博物》第45輯,頁23-34.
  • 2006. 〈資源域分析與珠江口地區新石器時代生計〉 (獨著). 《華南及東南亞地區史前考古:紀念甑皮岩遺址發掘30周年國際學術研討會論文集》中國社會科學院考古研究所, 北京:文物出版社2006, 頁170-197.
  • 1997. 〈環珠江口新石器時代沙丘遺址的聚落特色〉(獨著). 《考古》1997年第2期, 頁159-164, 94.
  • 1989. 〈試論我國獵首俗的起源和演變〉(獨著). 《東南文化》1989年第3期, 頁68-79.


  • 2005. China Westward: Bibliography & Research Guide/Chinese Porcelain & East-West Maritime Trade, 12th-15th Centuries (in both English and Chinese), edited with Pei-kai Cheng et al. Chung Hwa Book Co., (H.K.) LTD. 410 pages.


Investigator and Coordinator of four research projects, e.g.:

  • June 2002 - November 2004. China Westward: Chinese Porcelain and East–West Maritime Trade (No. 9010007). PI: Pei-kai Cheng, City University of Hong Kong Inter-disciplinary Research Project. Funding: HK$1,279,000.00. 『陶瓷下西洋』研究項目(研究經費:一百二十七萬九千港元;历时兩年半)
  • 1995-96; 1996-97, University of British Columbia UGF (University Graduate Fellowship). 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學,研究生獎學金(连续兩年)
  • 1994-95: Visiting Scholar (with scholarship), Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University, Supervisor: Prof. K. C. CHANG(張光直)哈佛大学哈佛燕京訪問學者(一年)

Professional Service

  • Archaeology Consultant, Antiquities and Monuments Office of Hong Kong, since 2004.
  • 香港古物古蹟辦事處考古顧問,自2004.
  • Reviewer,Chinese Culture Quaterly《九州學林》審稿人(2003-2006)
  • Reporter, Southeast Asian Ceramics Museum Newsletter, Bangkok University, Thailand, 2006-2018.
  • City University of Hong Kong GE course reviewer, 2012-2015. 香港城市大學GE課程審閱人, 2012-2015.