It has been a while since our last greeting. We are students from the courses CAH2516 Society and Performance and CAH4536 Advanced Management for Cultural Professionals. We are truly grateful and appreciative of your support to the 2024 cultural festival Performing Art in the City: Inheritance and Innovation (26 March – 6 April). And it is time for us to conclude some of the highlights from our amazing guest events and student workshops for you. The fortnight events of the festival included regular exhibition of three genres, Cantonese Music, Naamyam and Chinese Opera. We also had exclusive opportunities to art demonstration lectures which were supported by the generous and experienced guests, DIY workshops and booth games of immersive Chinese art elements.
Our initial vision of the festival events was to spark the students’ interest to Chinese art performances and we hope it would not just last only for two weeks. Learning the complexity and matrix inside Chinese music and art is a lifelong process and we wish to find new ways appreciating and transforming those work under more public exposure.
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