GE1501 Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy

Course Objectives

  1. Introduce basic knowledge, key concepts and major events in Chinese history and philosophy
  2. Introduce the assessment of source materials
  3. Train critical thinking in historical and philosophical analysis and interpretation
  4. Help students identify the “self” in the modern world


Research Project Themes for Semester B 2024/25

Class Section Name of Instructor Research Project Themes
CB1 Prof. LI Yiwen

Chinese Religious Beliefs; Chinese Science and Technology; Cities in Chinese History; The Silk Road; Chinese Arts; Trade and Commerce

CB2 Dr. WANG Yiqiao

Urban History; Trade and Commerce; Chinese Maritime Connection in the World; Gender History

CB3 Prof. HUI Jonathan York Heng

Dynastic History; China and the World; Intellectual and Religious History

---- Miss HUANG Zhuojun

Economic History; Social History: Gender, Class, Ethnicity; Urban History; Material Culture; Literature

---- Mr. TSANG Kai Won Reynold

Dynastic Rule and Politics; Exchange between China and the World; Intellects and Intellectual Development; Chinese Religions

---- Dr. CHAN Wilson

History of Science, Technology and Medicine; Material Culture; Intellectual History (Confucianism); Religious Daoism

Click here to view the official course information

Please note that the Cantonese, Putonghua and English sections of GE1501 Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy will continue to be offered. Student are encouraged to take GE 1501 according to their study plan.
