PhD in History CASS
Contact Information
Office: LI-4708
Phone: 3442-2817
Email: ciwong@cityu.edu.hk
Dr Marianne WONG received her B.A. and M.Phil. (Chinese Art History) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, her first PhD (Chinese Art and Archaeology) from SOAS, University of London and second PhD (Chinese Archaeology and Museology) from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, P.R.C. Her first PhD study has encompassed research on the combinations of Four Cardinal Animals in tomb decoration, and the Han Cosmology as shown in tomb interior. Her second PhD, a synthetic archaeological study of Han tomb murals, was published by the Wenwu Press and rated “Best 60 Publications in Archaeology and Museology of Year 2008” by the China Cultural Heritage Press. Dr. WONG taught and did research work in the Fine Arts Department, Art Museum and School of Continuing Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, before joining of the City University in 1999. Her teaching and research interests include Chinese Art and Archaeology, Museology, and Chinese Cultural Studies.
Research Interests
- 中國美術考古
- 文化遺產研究
Course Taught
List of Publications in Chinese
- 黃佩賢:《漢代墓室壁畫研究》(北京:文物出版社,2008.)(in Chinese)
- 徐麗莎、黃佩賢:《通識中國書畫》(香港:中華書局有限公司出版社,2007.)(in Chinese)
Journal Articles
- 黃佩賢:〈石灣公仔 ——從文化遺產的角度出發〉,《九州學林》, 香港城市大學中國文化中心, 總35期, 2015, pp. 141-156. (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢代四靈紋石棺槨〉,《齊魯文物》, 山東省博物館, 2013年第2期, pp. 71-84. (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈近年關中地區出土西漢壁畫墓的啟示〉,《文博》, 陝西省文物局, 2011年第3期, pp. 9-13. (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢代壁畫墓的分區與分期研究〉,《考古與文物》, 陝西省考古研究所, 2010年第1期, pp. 74-80, 98. (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢墓出土的山水圖像 — 對中國山水畫起源問題的再思考〉,《四川文物》, 四川省文物局, 2009年第1期, pp. 70-75. (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈圖像化的歷史 — 評香港歷史博物館舉辦之「戰爭與和平 — 秦漢文物精華展」〉,《九州學林》, 香港城市大學中國文化中心, 總1期, 2003, pp. 406-415. (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈程正揆「江山臥遊圖卷」〉(上、下),《中國文物世界》, 香港中國文物世界雜誌社, 總152期(pp. 51-59)、153期(pp. 68-83), 2003. (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈幾塊海外所藏的漢代畫像磚石〉,《文物天地》1997年第5-6期. (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈程正揆「江山臥遊圖」的次第問題〉,《文物》, 1997年第11期, pp. 80-85. (in Chinese)
Book Chapters
- 黃佩賢:〈石灣公仔——從文化遺產的角度出發〉, 載鄭岩編:《考古、歷史與藝術——楊泓先生八秩華誕頌壽論文集》(北京:文物出版社, 2017, pp. 469-477.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈粵劇神功戲與廟宇瓦脊公仔裝飾〉, 復旦大學文史研究院編:《圖像與儀式:中國古代宗教史與藝術史的融合》(北京:中華書局, 2017, pp. 280-292.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈馬王堆「車馬儀仗圖」帛畫 的再思考〉, 載湖南省博物館編:《紀念馬王堆漢墓發掘四十周年國際學術研討會論文集》(長沙:岳麓書社, 2016, pp. 461-465.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢代墓室畫像多角度研究成果綜述〉, 載中國社會科學院考古研究所、徐州博物館編:《漢代陵墓考古與漢文化》(北京:科學出版社, 2016, pp. 441-450.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈西漢兵馬俑與「車馬儀仗圖」帛畫 —— 出行內容的兩種表現〉, 載中國社會科學院考古研究所、新疆文物局編:《漢代西域考古與漢文化》(北京:科學出版社, 2014, pp. 360-369.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢畫與文字題記——漢代墓葬記銘的兩種形式〉, 載中國漢畫學會編:《中國漢畫學會第十四屆年會論文集》, (西安:三秦出版社, 2013, pp. 40-47.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈從秦俑到漢俑 — 大型兵馬俑的創製與早期變革〉, 載香港歷史博物館編:《「一統天下──秦始皇帝的永恆國度」展覽會議論文集》, (香港:2012, pp. 233-242.)(in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈墓葬畫像在漢代歷史研究中的角色〉, 載黎明釗編:《漢帝國的制度與社會秩序》, (香港:牛津大學出版社, 2012, pp. 505-522.)(in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈豐富多彩的漢墓壁畫〉, 載三聯書店(香港)有限公司編:《圖像中的歷史世界》, (香港:三聯書店, 2012, pp. 13-41.)(in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈論漢代墓室壁畫的功能〉, 載巫鴻、鄭岩編:《古代墓葬美術研究》(北京:文物出版社,2011, pp. 41-54.)(in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈「臥遊」山水 與 黃公望《富春山居圖》〉載張希清等編:《黃公望與〈富春山居圖〉研究》(北京:文物出版社,2011, pp. 111-120.)(in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢墓畫像遺存所見的天界〉, 載中國漢畫學會編:《中國漢畫學會第十二屆年會論文集》, (香港:中國國際文化出版社, 2010, pp. 11-17.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢代壁畫墓的分區與分期研究〉, 載廣東省考古研究所編:《西漢南越國考古與漢文化》, (北京:科學出版社, 2010, pp. 370-378.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢代墓室壁畫的發現與研究回顧〉, 載中國考古學會編:《中國考古學年鑑 2008》, (北京:文物出版社, 2009, pp. 128-141.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈西漢前期墓室壁畫的啟示 — 兼論墓室壁畫的起源問題〉, 載中國社會科學院考古研究所編:《漢長安城考古與漢文化》, 第二冊(全兩冊), (北京:科學出版社, 2008, pp. 434-445.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢代墓室壁畫圖像及其位置的關係再議〉, 載中國漢畫學會編:《大漢雄風》, (北京:高等教育出版社, 2008, pp. 179-184.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢代石闕上的四靈圖像〉, 載中國漢畫學會編:《漢畫研究》, (武漢:湖北人民出版社, 2006, pp. 24-29.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漁村今昔 — 筲箕灣的變遷〉, 載香港城市大學中國文化中心編:《考察香港 — 文化歷史個案研究》, (香港:三聯書店有限公司, 2005, pp. 241-261.)(in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈考古出土的早期孝子圖像 — 兼論圖像的教化功能〉, 載香港中華書局編:《忠孝美德與現代生活》, (香港:中華書局有限公司, 2004, pp. 106-115.)(in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢代四靈圖像的構圖分析〉, 載陳江風編:《漢文化研究》, (開封:河南大學出版社, 2004, pp. 166-176.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢代流行的四靈圖像始見於新石器時代?— 河南濮陽西水坡及湖北隨縣曾候乙墓出土龍虎圖像再議〉, 載中國漢畫學會編:《中國漢畫學會第九屆年會論文集》, (北京:中國書畫三秦出版社, 2004, pp. 56-67.) (in Chinese)
- 黃佩賢:〈漢代的北方動物神形像〉, 載中國漢畫學會編:《中國漢畫學會第九屆年會論文集》, (北京:中國書畫三秦出版社, 2004, pp. 18-21.) (in Chinese)
Conference, Presentations, Symposia & Workshops
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Qin terracotta warriors in art archaeology perspective (秦俑的價值 — 美術考古學角度). Presentation at the “Discovering History and Culture: Knowledge, Society and Future (發現歷史與文化:知識.社會.未來)” lecture series organized by the Hong Kong Community College of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 18 Sept 2019.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Invited by CLASS, presenting a talk for the promotion of CLASS & CAH at 香港培正中學 Pui Ching Middle School on 21 Nov 2018.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Invited by CLASS, offering an on-campus cultural talk for 香港四邑商工總會黃棣珊紀念中學, 16 Apr 2018.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Han Dynasty History from Mural Tombs. Presentation at an art/ historical lecture invited by the Dept of Literature and Cultural Studies, Education University of Hong Kong, 20 Mar 2018.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Organizer of “教育局-香港城市大學中文及歷史系講座系列(4) —帝王的今生與來世”, a lecture series jointly organized by the Hong Kong Education Bureau & the Dept of Chinese & History, City University of HK, 29 May & 11Jun 2019.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Organizer of “教育局-香港城市大學中文及歷史系講座系列(3) —粵語與粵樂: 香港與華南地區的文化關係”, a lecture series jointly organized by the Hong Kong Education Bureau & the Dept of Chinese & History, City University of HK, 5 & 7 Dec 2018.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Organizer of “教育局-香港城市大學中文及歷史系講座系列(2) — 內地與香港的因緣” a lecture series jointly organized by the Hong Kong Education Bureau & the Dept of Chinese & History, City University of HK, 2 & 4 May 2018.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Organizer of “教育局-香港城市大學中文及歷史系講座系列(1) —圖像學歷史”, a lecture series jointly organized by the Hong Kong Education Bureau & the Dept of Chinese & History, City University of HK, 8 & 11 Dec 2017.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Organizer of “知識增益系列( 1)趣味中國史講座”, a lecture series jointly organized by the Hong Kong Education Bureau & the Dept of Chinese & History, City University of HK, 17 & 19 May 2017.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Western Zhou’s Society and Politics in Archaeological Perspective. A secondary school teacher training lecture jointly organized by the Hong Kong Education Bureau & the Dept of Chinese & History, City University of HK, 19 May 2017.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Museum Studies: the abridged edition. A secondary school teacher training lecture organized by the Dept of Chinese & History, City University of HK, 2 Dec 2016.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Appreciation of Chinese Art. Presentation at a cultural lecture invited by the Correctional Services Dept of the HK Gov’t, 31 Oct 2015, Stanley Prison, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Re-study of the Silk Painting on Guard of Honor from Mawangdui. Presentation at the Memorial Conference for the 40th Anniversary of Mawangdui Han Tombs Excavation, organized by the Hunan Provincial Museum, 11-14 Dec 2014, Changsha: Hunan Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. A Review on the Multi-angle Researches on Han Tomb Pictorial Remains. Presentation at the International Conference for Han Tomb Archaeology and Han Culture, jointly organized by the Institute of Archaeology (CASS), Xuzhou Gov’t, and China Association for Qin Han History, 10-14 Oct 2014, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Terracotta Warriors of the First Emperor of China. Presentation at a cultural lecture invited by the Correctional Services Dept of the HK Gov’t, 6 Sept 2014, Shek Pik Prison, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. New Discovered Mural Tombs in Shaanxi - Reconsidering the Cradle of Tomb Mural Paintings in China. A paper accepted by the EACS (European Association of Chinese Studies) Conference, 23-27 Jul 2014, University of Minho & University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Han Mural Painting in art archaeology perspective. Presentation at an art/ archaeological lecture invited by the Antiquities and Monuments Office, Hong Kong Gov’t, 12 Jul 2014, Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Han Paintings and textual Inscriptions — Two kinds of historical records in Han Tomb. Presentation at the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the China Association for Han Pictorial Art, 20-22 Oct 2013, Jining, Shandong Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. “Shiwan Figurine” in Cultural Heritage Perspective. Presentation at “Homage to Tradition- A Symposium on East Asian Art in Honour of Professor Roderick Whitfield”, 13-15 Dec 2012, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Tomb figures from Qin to Han — creation and early reformation of large scale terracotta army. Presentation at the Conference for the exhibition “The Majesty of All Under Heaven: The Eternal Realm of China's First Emperor” (25Jul- 26Nov 2012), 6-7 Oct 2012, Hong Kong Museum of History.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Representations of Procession in Western Han Terracotta Army and Silk Painting on Guard of Honor from Mawangdui. Presentation at the Conference for the Archaeology of Han Dynasty Western Regions and Han Culture, jointly organized by the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Xinjiang Cultural Bureau, 14-19 Oct 2012, Urumqi, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Images of sishen on Han Stone Sarcophagi. Presentation at the Conference for Han Stone Sarcophagi and Han Culture, jointly organized by the Shandong Museum and Shandong Museum of Han Stone Carvings , 22-24 Sept 2012, Jinan, Shandong Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Qin terracotta warriors in art archaeology perspective. Presentation at a historical/ cultural lecture invited by Hong Kong Museum of History, in relation to the exhibition “The Majesty of All Under Heaven: The Eternal Realm of China's First Emperor” (25Jul to 26Nov 2012), which marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR, 18 Aug 2012, Hong Kong Museum of History.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Qinglong, baihu, zhuque & xuanwu in Han Pictorial Art. Presentation at an art lecture invited by the Art Museum, CUHK, in relation to the exhibition “Divine Power — The Dragon in Chinese Art” (11Feb-18Nov 2012), 7 Jul 2012, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. New Discoveries of Han Mural tomb in Shaanxi. Presentation at an art/ archaeological lecture invited by the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong (Ltd.), 22 Mar 2012, Hong Kong Club, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Han Tomb Pictorial Images in historical perspective. Presentation at an archaeological/ historical lecture invited by the Joint Publishing HK (Ltd.), 4 Jan 2012, Joint Publishing HK (Ltd.), Central, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (Nov 2011- Jan 2012). Invited Consultant of an exhibition of Dragon antiquities for the Chinese New Year (10-25 Jan 2012), organized by and held at the Plaza Hollywood of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Cantonese God-worshipping Opera and Roof-ridge Decorations of Temples. Presentation at the International Conference on Ceremonies and Images: Chinese Ancient ceremonial Art, 3-5 Dec 2011, National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies of the Fudan University, Shanghai.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Review of Origin of Tomb Murals. Presentation at the International Conference on Ancient Tomb Art II, jointly organized by the Center for the Art of East Asia of the University of Chicago, Center for Visual Studies of the Beijing University, and the School of the Humanities of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, P.R.C, 9-11 Sept 2011, Beijing University, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. An authentic work or a copy? History or Art History? — Behind the upsurge of River of Wisdom: Animated Version of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival. Presentation at an art/ historical lecture invited by the Dept of History, Shue Yan University, 26 Nov 2010, Shue Yan University, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Cultural Heritage of the Western Han Nanyue State. Presentation at a cultural/ historical lecture invited by the Hong Kong Community College of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 27 & 29 Oct 2010, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. The Heavenly Sky in Han Pictorial Remains. Presentation at the Twelfth Annual Conference of the China Association for Han Pictorial Art, jointly organized by the China Association for Han Pictorial Art and Sichuan Provincial Museum, 23-24 Oct 2010, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Han Ideas of Afterlife — an Archaeological perspective. Presentation at the International Conference for Han Dynasty Cities, Archaeological Settlements and Culture, jointly organized by the Institute of Archaeology (CASS), Institute of Archaeology of the Henan Province, and the Zhengzhou University, 17-19 Sept 2010, Neihuang, Henan Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Han Tomb Murals in an Archaeological Perspective. Presentation at the Annual conference of the British Association of Chinese Studies (BACS), 8-9 Sept 2010, Bristol University, U.K.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Role of Han Tomb Paintings in Historical Study. Presentation at the International Conference on Institutions and Social Order in the Han Empire (206B.C.–A.D.220), jointly organized by the Dept of History, CUHK & Dept of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania, 5-7 May 2010, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Wall City Culture in HK — Combination of Tangible & Intangible Cultural Heritage. A cultural heritage lecture invited by the Dept of Cultural Heritage, School of the Humanities, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), May 2010, CAFA, Beijing, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. The Old Centre of Macau — from Historical buildings to World Cultural Heritage. A cultural heritage lecture invited by the Dept of Cultural Heritage, School of the Humanities, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), May 2010, CAFA, Beijing, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Archaeological Remains of the Western Han Nanyue States & Lingnan Civilisation. A cultural heritage lecture invited by the Dept of Cultural Heritage, School of the Humanities, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Apr 2010, CAFA, Beijing, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Preservation of Old Districts & related monuments in HK. A cultural heritage lecture invited by the Dept of Cultural Heritage, School of the Humanities, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Apr 2010, CAFA, Beijing, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Tomb Pictorial Images and Funerary System of the Han Dynasty. Presentation at an art/ historical lecture invited by the Hong Kong Museum of History, in relation to the exhibition “Legends of Luxury and Elegance: Lifestyles of the Han Nobility” (10Feb- 3May 2010), 20 Mar 2010, Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Case Studies of Chinese Cultural Heritage Preservation. A cultural heritage lecture invited by the Dept of Cultural Heritage, School of the Humanities, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), 8 Dec 2009, CAFA, Beijing, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Experience Suzhou — from Field Study to Cultural Cognition. Presentation at an art/ cultural lecture invited by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, in relation to the exhibition “The Prosperous Cities: A Selection of Paintings from the Liaoning Provincial Museum” (25 Sept – 22 Nov 2009), 17 Oct 2009, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Key Aspects of Chinese Painting Pedagogy. Presentation at a seminar for primary & secondary teachers, in relation to an exhibition “The Prosperous Cities: A Selection of Paintings from the Liaoning Provincial Museum” (25 Sept – 22 Nov 2009) held in the Hong Kong Museum of Art, 28 Sept 2009, City University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (2009). Executive Editor of a publication of the Chinese Civlisation Cultural Lecture Series (Domestic Life and Warfare of Ancient Chinese Revealed: An Archaeological Perspective) by Professor Yang Hong, Hong Kong: The City University Press.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Functions and Status of Han and Tang Dynasty Tomb Murals. Presentation at the International Conference on Ancient Tomb Art I, jointly organized by the Center for the Art of East Asia of the University of Chicago & the School of the Humanities of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, P.R.C, 9-11 Sept 2009, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Messages from Han Tombs in Art and Archaeological Perspectives. Presentation at the workshop for “Reading Tombs”, 6 Mar 2009, SOAS, University of London, U.K.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Han Pictorial Art. Presentation at an art/ archaeological lecture invited by the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong (Ltd.), 9 Sept 2008, Hong Kong Club, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Cavalcade in Han Dynasty Art. Presentation at an art/ historical lecture invited by the Hong Kong Museum of History, in relation to the exhibition “Chinese Horse” (Jul-Oct 2008), 29 Jul 2008, Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Cultural Field Trips in HK: Topics, Sites and Methods. Presentation at a cultural lecture for the TUC (Teachers' Update Course) 2008, 20 June 2008, City University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. A Review of the relationship between subjects and positions of tomb mural images. Presentation at the Eleventh Annual Conference on Han Pictorial Art, jointly organized by the China Association for Han Pictorial Art and Zoucheng Cultural Bureau, P.R.C, 11-13 Apr 2008, Zoucheng, Shandong Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (18 Jun 2007). Organizer of a seminar (Exhibition Appreciation - “The Pride of China”) for secondary teachers by the Chinese Civilisation Centre, City University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Along the River during the Qingming Festival’— an authentic work or a copy? Presentation at a seminar for primary & secondary teachers, in relation to an exhibition “The Pride of China” (29 Jun – 22 Jul 2007) held in the Hong Kong Museum of Art, which marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR, 18 Jun 2007, City University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Tomb Mural of Early Western Han Period — with a discussion on the Origin of Wall painting in Tomb. Presentation at the Memorial Conference for the 50th Anniversary of the Han Chang’an City Excavation, organized by the Institute of the Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, P.R.C., 27-30 Oct 2006, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Siling Images on Han Que-towers. Presentation at the Tenth Annual Conference on Han Pictorial Art, jointly organized by the China Association for Han Pictorial Art and the Centre for Han Culture of the Nanyang Normal University, 13-16 Oct 2006, Nanyang Museum of Han Pictorial Art, Henan Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Han Brick Tombs excavated from Northern China. Presentation at an archaeological/ historical lecture invited by the Hong Kong Museum of History, which marks the 50th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb, 6 Aug 2005, Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Field Trip - Hong Kong. Presentation at a cultural lecture invited by the HK Federation of Youth Groups, 29 Jul 2005, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. The Siling Images emerged during the Neolithic Period? — Reviewing the dragon and tiger patterns from Xishuipo, Puyang, Henan Province and the tomb of Zeng Hou Yi in Sui County, Hubei Province. Presentation at the Ninth Annual Conference on Han Pictorial Art, jointly organized by the China Association for Han Pictorial Art and Jiaxiang County Cultural Bureau, 19-21 Oct 2004, Jixiang, Shandong Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Loyalty and Filial Piety in Pictorial Form — Chinese Virtues in an Archaeological Perspective. Presentation at an archaeological/ historical lecture at the Conference which marks the 75th Anniversary of Fung Ying Seen Koon, 3 Jul 2004, City University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Early Chinese Buddhist Art. Presentation at an art/ cultural lecture invited by the Tak Oi Secondary School, 27 Apr 2004, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (20 Feb 2004). Organizer of a seminar (Appreciation of Chinese Art and Garden) for secondary teachers by the Chinese Civilisation Centre, City University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Appreciation of Chinese Art and Garden. Presentation at a seminar for primary & secondary teachers, 20 Feb 2004, City University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Image of Animal God of the North during the Han Dynasty. Presentation at the Eighth Annual Conference on Han Pictorial Art, jointly organized by the China Association for Han Pictorial Art and Yulin County Cultural Bureau, 18-21 Oct 2002, Yulin, Shaanxi Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Eastern Han Manorial Economics in Pictorial Representations. Presentation at the Ninth Annual Conference on Qin Han History, 11-15 Aug 2002, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Worship of Sea Deities and Community Development of Shau Kei Wan District. Presentation at a historical/ cultural lecture invited by the Hong Kong Museum of History, 11 May 2002, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Composition of the Han Siling Images. Presentation at the International Symposium on Han Culture organized by the Centre for Han Culture of the Nanyang Normal University, 6-10 May 2002, Nanyang, Henan Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Shaukeiwan’s Fishing Economy and Development. An on-site lecture for a guided field trip invited by the Hong Kong Museum of History, 17 Nov 2001, Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Appreciation of Chinese Painting — and Comparison of Chinese and Western Painting. Presentation at an art lecture invited by the China Holiness College, 5 Jan 2001, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Position of the Siling in Artistic Representations. Presentation at the Academic Seminar of the Chinese Civilisation Centre, 3 Mar 2000, City University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. Regional Distribution and Dissemination of the Siling Images from an Archaeological Perspective. Presentation at the International Conference of Han Pictorial Art, jointly organized by China Association for Han Pictorial Art and Nanyang County Cultural Bureau, 27-30 Dec 1999, Nanyang Museum of Han Pictorial Art, Henan Province, P.R.C.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne. The Four Cardinal Animals in Art Representations. Presentation at the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS) Annual Conference, 10-13 Sept 1998, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (Apr 2020). Invited by the editorial board of Sustainability to peer-review “Museum as a Sensory Space: A Discussion of Communication Effect of Multi-Senses in Taizhou Museum”, an article related to Museum Studies.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (Jan 2019). Invited by the editorial board of Sustainability to peer-review “Exploring the Role of Emotion in Relationship btn Museum Image & Tourists’ Behavioral intention”, an article related to Museum Studies.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (Jul 2018). Invited by the editorial board of Sustainability to peer-review “An Exploration of the Cultural Landscape Model of Zhuge Village on the basis of the Ancient Art of War”, an article related to Archaeology and cultural Landscape Studies.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (24 Apr 2018). Interviewed by the SCMP, discussing on the “Song’s Culture: Discovery, Innovation and Re-representation”, a cultural festival created by a group of senior Cultural Heritage students of CAH (final project of CAH4536). The report will be published soon.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (23 Apr 2018). Interviewed by the Ta Kung Pao, discussing on the “Song’s Culture: Discovery, Innovation and Re-representation”, a cultural festival created by a group of senior Cultural Heritage students of CAH (final project of CAH4536). The report was published on 1 Jun 2018.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (2014). Invited Editor of the festschrift of “Homage to Tradition -- A Symposium on East Asian Art in Honour of Prof. Whitfield”, Chinese Culture Quarterly, vol. 35, 2014.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (2011). One of the four editors of Bvlgari 125 Years of Italian Magnificence (Catalogue of the exhibition of Bvlgari, an Italian classic jeweler, held in the National Museum of China, Beijing, P.R.China, 4 Sep – 3 Nov 2011), Milan: Skira Editore.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (3 Nov 2010). Interviewed by The Sunday Report of TVB on 3 Nov 2010 respectively, discussing on the “River of Wisdom – Animated Version of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” exhibited on 2-29 Nov 2010 at the Asia World-Expo, Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (Aug-Sept 2010). Invited by the editorial board of Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 清華學報 (National Tsing Hua University Press, Taiwan) to review〈漢墓迴廊設計的空間意義 ─ 以梁孝王墓為中心〉, an article related to Han archaeology, history and architecture.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (28 Sept 2009). Organizer of a seminar (Exhibition Appreciation - “The Prosperous Cities: A Selection of Paintings from the Liaoning Provincial Museum”) for secondary teachers by the Chinese Civilisation Centre, City University of Hong Kong.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (21 Jan 2009). Interviewed by Varsity Magazine of the School of Journalism & Communication of CUHK, discussing on the liberal education in Hong Kong and the challenges coming along with the 3-3-4 education reform.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (Jul 2008). Invited reviewer of〈傳說、正史與歷史記憶─以漢畫像石中「泗水求鼎」故事為研究對象〉, an article related to Han art & history, for the Journal of Oriental Studies 東方學報, School of Chinese of the University of Hong Kong and the Center for Chinese Language and Cultural Studies of the Stanford University.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (3 Jul 2007). Interviewed by the Sing Tao Press, discussing on the exhibits of “The Pride of China” exhibition held in the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the way to appreciate Chinese painting.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (Jun 2007). Interviewed by the CityU Teens, discussing on the significances of the Chinese handscroll painting - “Along the River during the Qingming Festival”.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (Aug 2006). Interviewed by the CityU Teens, discussing on the Chinese practices of offering paper-made sacrifices to their dead relatives.
- WONG, Pui Yin Marianne (2004). English translation for two Chinese articles written by Professor Zhao Chao (〈常萬義先生所藏墓誌九種綜考〉、〈常萬義先生所藏墓誌續考〉), Published in Compassion and Fascination寶相莊嚴, Beijing: Wenwu Press, pp. 147-167 & pp. 168-188.
- A Study of Han Tomb Murals (published in 2008 Nov by the Wenwu Press) rated “Best 60 Publications in Archaeology and Museology (全國60佳文博圖書) of Year 2008” by the China Cultural Heritage Press 《中國文物報》.
- PhD thesis, “A Study of Han Tomb Murals” won the “Third-class Award 三等獎” in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Excellent PhD Contest, 2009-10: